12,500 MT X 12 MONTHS = MT 150,000.00 US$ 520 / MT CIF ASWP
25,000 MT X 12 MONTHS = MT 300,000.00 US$ 490 / MT CIF ASWP
50,000 MT X 12 MONTHS = MT 600,000.00 US$ 480 / MT CIF ASWP
75,000 MT X 12 MONTHS = MT 900,000.00 US$ 470 / MT CIF ASWP
100,000 MT X 12 MONTHS = MT 1,200,000.00 US$ 460 / MT CIF ASWP
150,000 MT X 12 MONTHS = MT 1,800,000.00 US$ 450 / MT CIF ASWP
200,000 MT X 12 MONTHS = MT 2,400,000.00 US$ 440 / MT CIF ASWP
Contract- Payment terms BG Format MT 760 (Two Month Value) or SBLC (Two Month Value) or MT 103 /TT Before Loading,
I have direct contact with Real sugar seller offers Spot & Contract if you interested send you price list and procedure&Payment terms the seller for MAY 2012 If you are interested , please contact with me.